A Handbook for Excellence.
A tweet that I posted recently with a snapshot of our Teaching and Learning handbook sparked messages regarding how to write a handbook and what to include.

Fresh starts
The start of a new term always brings a mix of emotions. A blend of optimism, purpose, and more importantly and probably on a lot of teacher minds at the moment, no small amount of pressure.

Balancing Wellbeing and Performance
Balancing the twin priorities of staff wellbeing and performance has become an increasingly prominent conversation in education.

Developing leaders: Three Tips for Effective Line Management in Schools
In schools, where the pace is relentless and priorities can shift daily, line management is essential. As leaders, we’re not just there to check progress or address challenges; we’re there to develop the people we work with.

Unveiling Lady Macbeth in Act 1, Scene 5: Ambition, Power, and the Dark Arts
Act 1, Scene 5 of Macbeth introduces us to Lady Macbeth as a figure of ambition, strength, and, perhaps most strikingly, darkness.

Exam Craft. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
Teaching A Christmas Carol isn’t just about guiding students through Dickens’ characters and themes; it’s about equipping them with the tools to analyse, interpret, and articulate their ideas effectively under exam conditions.

A Dickensian Warning for the Victorian era.
The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
Following the journey through Scrooge’s encounters with the Ghosts of Christmas Past and Present, Dickens masterfully introduces the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come as a shadowy harbinger of potential doom

Teaching through the Ghost of Christmas Past.
As we enter the season of reflection or another way to put it - as my year 11s are finishing mock season meaning on to English Literature Paper one revision I go - which in this case is ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens.

Books that Lead
Essential Lessons for Building a Stronger School Culture.
I was recently scrolling through X and came across an article I had written for WomenEd on leadership this prompted me with some thoughts on the different books that have shaped my own leadership journey.

Segments - Part Two
Checking for understanding (CFU) occurs multiple times within a lesson and ultimately focuses on where students begin to actively apply what they have learned.

Segments - Part One
This blog is the first in a series of different segments of a lesson. Starting off with the beginning…